Migrating from EBS to Oracle Fusion Cloud – Concerns and Answers

Migrating from E-Business Suite (EBS) to Oracle Fusion Cloud can be challenging, particularly for companies with intricate, unique business processes supported by customizations, custom reports, and extensive integrations.
Read our blog to understand common concerns and their solutions, which can help ensure a seamless transition.

Leveraging Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD) for Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement entails ongoing improvement of products, services, or processes through incremental or breakthrough improvements. Continuous improvement has gained wider acceptance as a vehicle for driving an organization's quest for excellence. CI/CD is one of the most popular methodologies to achieve Continuous improvement with incremental changes, highlighted by short and continuous Develop - test - Deploy cycles. Let us explore some key areas that organizations need to focus on for the adoption

A Primer on Information Security for Enterprises

Securing information has become a strategic differentiator and, in some cases, mandatory. Let's explore and read the blog to understand why would one need information security, what is in the scope and where to start.

Beyond Project Management - Six Additional Things a “Wise” Project Manager Must Do

Project management, an inexact science, has a well-defined body of knowledge providing a framework for managing different facets of projects. However, there are other aspects of project management beyond time, cost, scope, and quality that deal with team dynamics, motivation, and enablement. I call it the wise project manager who is at work. Let’s look at his tasks and job profile.

5 Questions for Digital Transformation of Finance Function

We hear stories of the successful transformation of Finance functions, but the unsuccessful ones are quietly buried. Therefore It is important to play devil's advocate and understand various facets of digital transformation. Let us read the blog and see how we can do that.

Considerations for Solving the Big Data "Small File" Problems

Big data has over the years gained acceptance as storage for unstructured data such as emails, text files, web pages, digital images, multimedia content, navigation details, and social media posts. In the last few years, the focus has moved to capture structured data such as Customer information, Sales transactions, and Purchase orders in data lakes, replacing conventional Data Warehouses and eliminating 'Transformation' from ETL. The biggest challenge in big data is the problem commonly referred to as "the small file problem."

Data to Decisions - Understanding Analytics

Analytics has become the backbone for digitally savvy organizations as a strategic differentiator. Data traverses through multiple layers and processes, ultimately resulting in information to enable partial or fully autonomous decision-making. To understand analytics, we need an understanding of the different components involved and how they come together. Let us have a look through this blog

Challenges on the Way to Oracle Cloud

Organizations planning to move to Oracle cloud face challenges. We discuss them with insight on how we prepare for them. 

Lost in Translation - The ‘Waterfall’ Methodology

While it is true that software projects have had more than their share of failed projects, the methodology took the bulk of the blame. Agile, as discussed before, was thus born to correct all that was wrong with Waterfall. But is the methodology to blame for failures, or is its adoption? Let's explore Dr. Winston W Royce paper 'Managing the Development of large software systems'.

Assessing Agile Adoption - 4 Value Test

In the paper by Winston W Royce that brought 'Waterfall Model' for software development into prominence, he took time to highlight the embedded non-iterative nature, and how this makes the waterfall, a model that is "risky and invites failure". Taking a cue from failures, organizations have started initiatives to be agile. Let's look at four Agile values from the Agile Manifesto that will help Agile adoption.


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