Our Lot Genealogy tool visually maps your entire manufacturing process, allowing you to quickly identify the origin of a defect and trace its impact across all affected lots and customers.
Imagine a defect is discovered during testing or an RMA from a customer. With our software, you can instantly:
Identify the supplier and lot of the faulty component(s) or manufacturing process.
See all the lots that used that Lot.
Trace the affected lots through all subsequent manufacturing stages.
Generate a list of all impacted customers for immediate notification.
Here is a screenshot of a sample semiconductor manufacturing process with data being sent to Oracle Fusion Manufacturing using Triniti’s Lot eDapter -
The canvas on the left displays the lots and their flow from Wafer purchasing through the shipment of finished goods (depicted in the screenshot below with just the canvas). The Horizontal swim lanes identify the locations, while the vertical swim lanes identify the BOM levels in the manufacturing process. The property sheet on the right shows all the lot attributes, clearly indicating if they are attributes of the current level or inherited from previous manufacturing levels.